Building the infrastructure that will feed our future
120 Acres
2,800,00 SF
This project involved the design and construction of a new 60-acre, climate-controlled greenhouse in Morehead, Kentucky. Its irrigation system draws from a 10-acre pond that captures rainwater runoff from the roof, using 90% less water than open-field agriculture.
As the lead consultant for this multi-million-dollar project, Thoroughbred provided civil engineering, geotechnical, surveying, structural engineering, construction inspection and construction administration services. The project incorporated several unique design features, including a detention pond with more than 653,000 cubic feet of storage and several fill locations with depths greater than 15 feet. Thoroughbred also helped oversee development on environmentally sensitive areas that required extensive permitting with the Division of Water and Army Corps of Engineers.
is what makes our projects so
1409 N. Forbes Road, Lexington, KY 40511
@2024 Thoroughbred Engineering.
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Lexington, KY
Shelbyville, KY
London, KY
Elizabethtown, KY